Wrap a piece of bacon around each piece of kielbasa, making sure to extend the bacon above the top of the kielbasa, forming a little cup.
Secure the bacon with a toothpick.
In a large bowl, combine shredded cheddar cheese, cream cheese, mayo, and ranch seasoning packet.
Microwave this mixture for about 30 seconds, then stir to combine.
Place the mixture in a ziplock bag, then snip the tip and pipe the filling into each kielbasa cup. Alternatively, you can spoon some of this mixture into each kielbasa cup without using a ziplock bag.
Preheat your air-fryer to 340 degrees.
Once air-fryer is heated, arrange the bacon wrapped kielbasa bites on the tray/basket making sure to leave ample room around each one.
Cook for 15-16 minutes, or until the bacon is crispy and the tops are golden brown.
Serve with ranch dressing and chopped chives.